Tuesday, March 26, 2013

MSU's Severe Storms Symposium

The East Mississippi Chapter of the NWA/AMS hosed the eleventh annual Severe Storms Symposium, and it was a huge success! We had distinguished speakers like John Gordon and Kevin Knupp and many other informative and insightful guests.

I was also lucky enough to be asked to design a weather cake for the event, and here it is. This is what we call a "four-panel". It shows different products of RADAR such as Base Reflectivity (top left), Base Velocity (top right), Vertically Integrated Liquid (bottom right), and Correlation Coefficient (bottom left). All of these products are used by meteorologists during severe weather events to locate potential tornadoes and hail.
It took a little over 10 hours to complete, but it was so worth it. I was very thankful for all of the kind remarks from the NWA, AccuWeather, MemphisWeather.net, and personal accounts on Twitter and Facebook.

Hope everyone has a great week! See my next post for an update on this chilly, winter-like weather we've been seeing across the Southeast this week.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Springing Forward

I hope all of you had a smooth transition this past Saturday from Standard Time to Daylight Savings time. For me, this time of the year is bittersweet. After I get over that hour of lost sleep, I really enjoy all the extra sunshine!

Okay, I'll admit it. I'm not a photographer, but who can resist this much sun?!

We've had a perfect start to this beautiful time of year in the Southeast with abundant sun and warming temperatures. Many students, including those at Mississippi State, are enjoying their Spring Break in the sun after several weeks of rainy, cold, and temperamental weather patterns.

For the next few days, I expect it to stay that way too. Rain chances don't return until Sunday, so get out there and enjoy it while it lasts!
